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Crazy Eggs


About Crazy Eggs

Crazy Eggs takes you to a completely new game with unique gameplay in which your mission is to collect eggs as quickly as possible before they break.

How to collect eggs

In this game, you need to prepare yourself for a high-speed spirit in the mission of collecting eggs as quickly as possible. With such interesting gameplay, it requires many important factors to win. The ways to play are all given with urgent challenges, faster than the usual games that require too much character control, like the Sugar Heroes game with many colors and more difficult controls than this egg-collecting game.

Gentle control

To collect successfully and get a lot, you need to be ready to control at a fast speed before being broken by using the mouse pointer to control. No need for any shortcut keys to support; just one click, and you can collect many eggs. Pay more attention to clicking because they can fool you at any time.

Besides, pay attention to observing and choosing to collect to avoid mistakes that occur and be broken to stop the game too soon. The game requires quick thinking so you can focus on coming up with strategies to apply to collecting to win.