Drac and Franc explore a mysterious world with Dracula and Frankenstein. Both need to cooperate to overcome challenges in a dungeon full of traps and bats.
Like many two-player games like Funny Obbys, this game requires two players to control two characters Dracula and Frankenstein. Each character has their own special abilities. For example, Dracula can fly in the air to reach high places, while Frankenstein can use his strength to break obstacles. Both need to support each other to overcome challenges, opening the gate to other challenges. Dracula will need Frankenstein to lift himself up high, or Frankenstein will need Dracula to overcome narrow passages.
In addition, each character can collect diamonds, but only Dracula can collect blood vials and only Frankenstein can collect screws. Support each other to collect all common and private items.
Control Dracula with the WASD keys and Frankenstein's monster with the arrow keys.