Slope game

About Viking Hunter

Vikings have extraordinary strength. Come to the Viking Hunter game to transform into a Viking and fight dangerous mummies. Do you dare to play this game?

This game is an exciting action game to test your bravery. Besides that, you can play,, and Basket Random to show your abilities through challenging challenges in these games.

How to play the Viking Hunter game

The arrow keys up and down are used to move your character. Investigate the foreboding, and dark dungeons, and be prepared to frequently interact with a range of animals. You will face goblins, skeletons, and eerie guardians wearing hoods. You have two options when you see your adversary getting closer. You have two options: attack or just wander about aimlessly. Whether or not you initiate conflict is entirely up to you. The ability to choose is fantastic.

If you want to attack, tap or click the sword icon. If the context calls for further defense, tap the shield. Swords and shields will be all over the place as you travel.